About Me

2021 graduate from University of Nebraska – Lincoln; obtained Bachelor’s of Science in Software Engineering with a minor in Mathematics.


I am a software engineer at Epic. I have a degree in Software Engineering from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. I was blessed with the opportunity to engage in a number of research projects and internships during my undergraduate career. These experiences showed me that I am drawn to the design aspect of software development — creating intentional and intuitive interfaces and interactions for users.

Life is more than work. I enjoy messing around with Photoshop, discovering new music, and collecting unique card and board games.

A Few Things that Interest Me

UI/UX Design

Front-end Web Development Frameworks

Mobile Applications

Augmented Reality

Some Places I’ve Worked

Flywheel (WPEngine)
Software Engineer Intern: Local Core Team
Maintained and added new features to Local, an application used by web developers to create WordPress sites. Accelerated developer workflow by creating a terminal-based generator for Local add-ons, which was published to NPM.

Southwest Business Corporation
Development Intern: Cloud and Innovation Team
Increased workflow efficiency by implementing automated processes used to supplement employee activities. Involved in research, assessment, and development of software in areas of automation and machine learning.